The Board of Lyon County Commissioners met in Action Session at 9:00 a.m. in the Commission Chambers with the following people in attendance:

Rollie Martin, Chairman                                                        Doug Peck, Vice Chairman
Scott A. Briggs, Commissioner                                             Tammy Vopat, County Clerk
Marc Goodman, County Counselor                                      Dan Williams, County Controller
Michael Halleran, Asst. Co. Counselor                                 Molly Priest, Asst. Co. Counselor
Vici Smith, Public Relations

Others attending the meeting:
Ken Duft, Commissioner elect                                               Jeff Cope, Sheriff
Shayla Gaulding, Gazette reporter                                        Chip Woods, County Engineer
Steve Willis, Community Corrections                                    Trenton Fagg, resident
Gary Watts, resident
Lyon County Employees to be recognized for their service

Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

Motion: To Approve the Agenda as presented. Martin/Briggs 3-0

Motion: To Approve the Minutes of the 12-1-2022 meeting. Briggs/Peck 3-0

Motion: To Approve Warrants Payable 12-9-2022 in the amount of $174,617.36. Peck/Briggs 3-0

Motion: To Approve Payroll Payable 12-9-2022 in the amount of $413,875.08. Martin/Briggs 3-0

Motion: To Approve Payroll Withholdings Payable 12-9-2022 in the amount of $301,969.35.
Martin/Peck 3-0

Appointments: Commissioners discussed appointments to the RDA Board and Fremont Township Trustee.

Motion: To Appoint Bruce Boettcher to the Regional Development Board (RDA) for a term to expire 12-31-2025. Peck/Briggs 3-0

Motion: To Appoint Debra Challender as the Fremont Township Trustee. Martin/Briggs 3-0

Personnel changes: Commissioners reviewed the payroll authorizations.

Motion: To Approve the Personnel Change Authorizations as presented. Martin/Peck 3-0

Permits: no action taken.

Jeff Cope presented Commissioners with a request to consider a contract extension with Axon Enterprise, Inc. Commissioners gave direction to Sheriff Cope to proceed with the contract extension with Axon Enterprise, Inc.

County Engineer, Chip Woods presented Commissioners with a request to consider a resolution related to Solid Waste Management and Jim Brull attending the 2023 NACE Conference in Orange Beach, Alabama.

Motion: To Adopt Resolution 14-22, a Resolution related to the Solid Waste Management Plan of Chase County, The City of Emporia, and Lyon County, Kansas. Briggs/Martin 3-0

Motion: To Approve Jim Brull attending the 2023 NACE Conference in Orange Beach, Alabama, April 16-19, 2023, and share registration and related travel expenses with the Kansas County Highway Association. Lyon County expenses not to exceed $2,500.00 to be paid from Fund 011-00-7420. Peck/Briggs 3-0

Commissioner Martin:
• Attended the JEDAC meeting on Tuesday.
• I will attend the Lyon County Extension Board Annual Meeting on Monday.
• I will submit the invoice for payment to the League of Municipalities.
• We will review the County Commissioner districts next week.

Commissioner Peck:
• Saturday, I participated in the Red Stocking Breakfast.
• RDA meeting is tomorrow.
• I will attend the Lyon County Extension Board Annual Meeting on Monday.

Commissioner Briggs:
• Saturday, I participated in the Red Stocking Breakfast.
• I will attend the Lyon County Extension Board Annual Meeting on Monday.

Clerk Vopat:
• I will attend the Lyon County Extension Annual Meeting on Monday to administer the oath of office for the newly elected board.
• The bid opening for the Road & Bridge Project will take place on Tuesday at 2:00 p.m.

Counselor Goodman:
• I attended the JEDAC meeting on Tuesday.
• RDA meeting is tomorrow.

Controller Williams:
• Met with IMA regarding our renewal.

Break from 9:43 to 9:48 a.m.

Public comment: no one present.

Controller Williams presented Commissioners with a request to consider the republishing of the Lyon County 2022 budget. The funds being amended are: Multi Year Capital Outlay from 3,650,219 to 4,150,219; Road & Bridge from 6,250,000 to 6,750,000; Special Bridge from 800,000 to 900,000; Special Road & Bridge from 450,000 to: 526,000; Tort Liability from 325,000 to 326,000 and General Fund from 18,274,511 to 18,774,511. The public hearing will take place on Thursday, December 22nd at 10:00 a.m.

Motion: To Approve the Republishing of the Lyon County 2022 Budget. Martin/Briggs 3-0

Steve Willis presented Commissioners with a request to consider approving the Community Corrections signing a memorandum of understanding with the Kansas Setoff Program. Steve explained the Set Off Program collection process and the need to work with the Kansas Set Off Program to help collect costs of probationers who are discharged but still owe feed. Steve also presented an update of the On-Call hourly rate.

Motion: To Approve Community Corrections Director, Steve Willis to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kansas Department of Administration Setoff Program. Briggs/Martin 3-0
Motion: To move to Non-Elected Personnel Executive Session for personnel issues with Commissioners, Counselor Priest, and Counselor Halleran to return at 10:25 a.m. Martin/Briggs 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 10:28 a.m.

Motion: To move to Non-Elected Personnel Executive Session for personnel issues with Commissioners, Counselor Halleran, and Counselor Goodman, to return at 10:50 a.m. Martin/Briggs 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 10:40 a.m.

Lyon County Employee and Volunteer Recognition Ceremony: Commissioners recognized and awarded thirty (30) Lyon County Employees and Volunteers for their service to Lyon County.

Motion: To move to Non-Elected Personnel Executive Session for personnel issues with Commissioners, Counselor Halleran and Counselor Goodman, to return at 12:00 p.m. Martin/Peck 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 11:48 a.m.

Motion: To Reconsider the Motion establishing the Amended Budget Hearing on December 22th at 10:00 a.m. Martin/Briggs 3-0

Motion: To Approve Amending the 2022 Lyon County Budget with the public hearing date of December 29, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. Martin/Peck 3-0
Motion: To Adjourn. Martin/Briggs 3-0

There being no further business before the Board, the next Action Session will take place on December 15, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. in the Commission Chambers.

Attest: Affirm:

__________________________________________ _______________________________________
Tammy Vopat                                                                Rollie Martin, Chairman
Lyon County Master Clerk                                            Lyon County Commission