The Board of Lyon County Commissioners met in Action Session at 9:00 a.m. in the Commission Chambers with the following people in attendance:

Rollie Martin, Chairman                                                                     Doug Peck, Vice Chairman
Scott A. Briggs, Commissioner                                                         Tammy Vopat, County Clerk
Marc Goodman, County Counselor                                                   Dan Williams, County Controller
Michael Halleran, Asst. Co. Counselor

Others attending the meeting:
Ken Duft, resident                                                                               Greg Stair, resident
Shayla Gaulding, Gazette reporter                                                     Chip Woods, County Engineer

Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

Motion: To Approve the Agenda as Amended. Martin/Briggs 3-0

Motion: To Approve the Minutes of the 7-21-2022 meeting. Briggs/Peck 3-0

Motion: To Approve Warrants Payable 7-29-2022 in the amount of $195,554.01. Peck/Briggs 3-0

Commissioners discussed a request for letter of support to the State of Kanas for Wheat State Telephone for a fiber grant. This request will be considered for all telecommunication companies seeking support.

Motion: To Approve a Letter of Support for Wheat State Telephone Company to the State of Kansas for a fiber grant. Briggs/Martin 3-0

Appointments: no action taken

Motion: To Approve the Payroll Authorization Changes as presented. Martin/Peck 3-0

Permits: no action taken

Commissioner Martin:
• The Election Canvass will be Tuesday, August 9th at 9:00 a.m.
• Reminder, next week is a Study Session at 9:00 a.m. for interviews of public relations manager
• Attended the Council on Aging meeting
• I plan to attend the Friends of the 4-H dinner
• Tuesday, I attended the Road & Bridge demonstration of equipment

Commissioner Peck:
• No report

Commissioner Briggs:
• I am planning to attend the Friends of 4-H tonight

Clerk Vopat:
• The election process is going very well.
• The RNR Notices will be mailed before August 10th

Counselor Goodman:
• Tuesday is JEDAC

Controller Williams:
• Had team meetings with both our health care broker and the telephone companies
• Sales tax numbers are in and down from last month but up from last year

Chip Woods presented Commissioners with a request to consider a quote for new domestic steel sheet piling and used piling connectors.

Motion: To Approve the quote from Hammer & Steel, Inc., for New Domestic Steel Sheet Piling and Used Piling Connectors for a delivered price of $22,274.30 to be paid from Fund 011-00-8222.
Peck/Briggs 3-0

10-minute break until 9:45 a.m.

Public comment: no one present

Motion: To move to Legal Executive Session for proprietary information with Commissioners, Controller Williams, Counselor Halleran, and Counselor Goodman, to return at 10:30 a.m. Martin/Briggs 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 10:30 a.m.

Motion: To move to Non-Elected Personnel Executive Session for personnel information, with Commissioners, Janice Huffman, Elizabeth Tate, to return 10:55 a.m. Martin/Briggs 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 10:50 a.m.

Motion: To move to Non-Elected Personnel Executive Session for evaluation with Commissioners and Counselor Goodman, to return at 11:10 a.m. Martin/Briggs 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 11:12 a.m.

Motion: To Adjourn. Martin/Peck 3-0

There being no further business before the Board, the next Study Session will take place on Wednesday, August 3rd at 9:00 a.m. and the Action Session will take place on August 4, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. in the Commission Chambers.

Attest: Affirm:

____________________________________________ _______________________________________
Tammy Vopat                                                                     Rollie Martin, Chairman
Lyon County Master Clerk                                                 Lyon County Commission