The Board of Lyon County Commissioners met in Action Session at 9:00 a.m. in the Commission Chambers with the following people in attendance:

Rollie Martin, Chairman                                                                                    Doug Peck, Vice Chairman
Scott A. Briggs, Commissioner                                                                         Tammy Vopat, County Clerk
Marc Goodman, County Counselor                                                                  Michael Halleran, Asst. Co. Counselor

Others attending the meeting:
Robbie Weiss, Facilities Manager                                                                      Greg Stair, resident
Ken Duft, resident                                                                                               Shayla Gaulding, Gazette reporter
Dustin Lantow, resident                                                                                      Tagan Trahoon, KVOE reporter

Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

Motion: To Approve the Agenda as presented. Martin/Briggs 3-0

Motion: To Approve the Minutes of the 9-8-2022 meeting. Briggs/Peck 3-0

Motion: To Approve Warrants Payable 9-16-2022 in the amount of $227,739.68. Peck/Briggs 3-0

Motion: To Approve Payroll Payable 9-16-2022 in the amount of $340,930.20. Martin/Peck 3-0

Motion: To Approve Payroll Withholdings Payable 9-16-2022 in the amount of $490,536.06.
Martin/Briggs 3-0

Appointments: Commissioners discussed an application for the MUPP Board.

Motion: To Appoint Seth Snyder to the Multi-Use Path Planning Board for a term to expire 12-31-2024. Martin/Briggs 3-0
Note: this is a county board position.

Commissioners discussed the voting delegates for the KCAMP Annual meeting.

Motion: To Appoint Rollie Martin as the voting delegate and Doug Peck as the alternate voting delegate for the KCAMP Annual Meeting. Briggs/Peck 3-0

Personnel changes: no action taken.

Permits: no action taken.

Robbie Weiss presented Commissioners with a request to consider approving the bid for repairs of the stairs and the fire pit at the Clint Bowyer Community Building.

Motion: To Approve the proposal from Hartman Masonry, L.C. for handrail repair, stairs and firepit at the Lyon County Bowyer Building in the amount of $8,000.00 to be paid from Fund 010-46-7600.
Martin/Peck 3-0

Commissioner Martin:
• I attended the Lyon County Extension Board meeting
• I will participate in a Constitutional Day panel discussion for the FHTC

Commissioner Peck:
• I will participate in a Constitutional Day panel discussion for the FHTC
• Attended the RDA meeting

Commissioner Briggs:
• I will participate in a Constitutional Day panel discussion for the FHTC
• Fair Board meeting was on Monday, I was unable to attend

Clerk Vopat:
• I will attend a training session in Topeka tomorrow for the 2023 abstract year

Counselor Goodman:
• Attended RDA meeting

Motion: To Amend the agenda to allow for a Non-Elected Personnel Executive Session for evaluation purposes with Commissioners, to return at 9:45 a.m. Martin/Briggs 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 9:45 a.m.

Public comment: no one present

Recess from 9:45 to 10:00 a.m.

Public Hearing for the Revenue Neutral Rate: Commissioner Martin explained the new law and the process of the public hearing. No one commented.

Motion: To Adopt Resolution 10-22, a Resolution of Lyon County, Kansas to Levy a Property Tax Rate Exceeding the Revenue Neutral Rate. Martin/Briggs 3-0

Commissioners discussed the increased expenses of commodities, labor, insurance and overall expenses and requests from the districts and for appropriations. Comments of the cost of the notices was just another increase in expenses.

Motion: To Amend the Agenda to allow for a Legal Executive Session for confidential data exchange with Commissioners, Counselor Halleran, and Counselor Goodman, to return at 10:30 a.m. Martin/Briggs 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 10:30 a.m. with information exchange.

Public Hearing for the Lyon County 2023 Budget: no one present to comment

Commissioners discussed the 2023 Lyon County Budget. The levy was not increased from last year, but more dollars are being levied than the previous year. Commissioner Martin explained the process for coming to the final budget numbers. Commissioner Briggs agreed with Commissioner Martin, adding that there were some appropriations that were not fully funded this year. Commissioner Peck commented that there were a lot of cuts made to the budget to help ease the tax burden. Commissioners thanked Controller Williams for his work on the budget.

Motion: To Approve the 2023 Lyon County Budget as presented. Briggs/Peck 3-0

Motion: To move to Legal Executive Session with Commissioners, Counselor Halleran, and Counselor Goodman, to return at 11:00 a.m. Martin/Peck 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 11:00 a.m. with information.

Motion: To Adjourn. Martin/Briggs 3-0

There being no further business before the Board, the next Action Session will take place on September 22, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. in the Commission Chambers.

Attest: Affirm:

______________________________________ ___________________________________
Tammy Vopat                                                         Rollie Martin, Chairman
Lyon County Master Clerk                                     Lyon County Commission