The Board of Lyon County Commissioners met in Action Session at 9:00 a.m. in the Commission Chambers with the following people in attendance:

Rollie Martin, Chairman                                                       Doug Peck, Vice Chairman
Scott A. Briggs, Commissioner                                            Tammy Vopat, County Clerk
Marc Goodman, County Counselor                                     Dan Williams, County Controller
Michael Halleran, Asst. Co. Counselor

Others attending part of the meeting:
Don Hill, resident                                                                    Mark McKenna, Facilities
Megan Sando, Gazette reporter                                             Krystle Fessler, Road & Bridge
Tagan Trahoon, KVOE Reporter

Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance

Motion: To Approve the Agenda as presented. Martin/Peck 3-0

Motion: To Approve the Minutes of the 9-16-2021 meeting. Briggs/Peck 3-0

Motion: To Approve Warrants Payable 9-24-2021 in the amount of $152,496.13. Peck/Briggs 3-0

Appointments: no action taken.

Personnel changes: Commissioners discussed action was needed on personnel changes.

Motion: To Approve the Personnel Change Authorizations as presented. Briggs/Martin 3-0

Permits: no applications received.

Mark McKenna presented Commissioners with a request to consider a quote for dry wall and painting for the Extension Building. Commissioners asked for this to be offered for bid.

Krystle Fessler presented Commissioners with a request to consider an agreement with BG Consultants, Inc. for the plans for a bridge replacement.

Motion: To Approve the Agreement with BG Consultants, Inc. for the plans for the replacement of Bridge 941.0-512.7 with KDOT Off-System Bridge Replacement Project and pay the $52,650.00 cost from Fund 033-00-7601. Briggs/Peck 3-0

Motion: To Approve and sign the KDOT form 1302 for the replacement of Bridge 941.0-512.7 with KDOT Off-System Bridge Replacement Project. Martin/Briggs 3-0

Break from 9:37 a.m. until 9:45 a.m.

Public comment: Don Hill commented his observation is sales tax rate in Lyon County is lower than most counties in Kansas.

Commissioner Martin:
• The City/County meeting is scheduled for October 6th in the jury-assembly room.
• Next week is the Council on Aging meeting.
• I will attend a meeting for the Vote Yes.

Commissioner Briggs:
• No report.

Commissioner Peck:
• No report.

Clerk Vopat:
• No report.

Counselor Goodman:
• No report.

Controller Williams:
• No report.

Motion: To move to Legal Executive Session with Commissioners, Counselor Halleran, Clerk Vopat and Counselor Goodman, to return to commission chambers at 10:15 a.m. Martin/Briggs 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 10:13 a.m.

Motion: To move to Legal Executive Session with Commissioners, Counselor Goodman, Chuck Boyce, Jamie Williams, and Counselor Halleran, to return at 10:30 a.m. Martin/Peck 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 10:25 a.m. with direction.

Motion: To move to Legal Executive Session for confidential data exchange with Commissioners, Counselor Goodman, Counselor Halleran, Controller Williams, Don Hill, and Shane Shively, to return to commission chambers at 10:45 a.m. Martin/Briggs 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 10:45 a.m. with a request for an extension, to return at 10:55 a.m.
Martin/Peck 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 10:55 a.m. in commission chambers.

Motion: To move to Non-Elected Personnel Executive Session for evaluation with Commissioners, Sam Seeley, to return to commission chambers at 11:15 a.m. Martin/Briggs 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 11:15 a.m.

Motion: To move to Legal Executive Session for attorney/client privilege with Commissioners, Counselor Halleran, Counselor Goodman, to return to commission chambers at 11:25 a.m. Martin/Briggs 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 11:27 a.m.

Motion: To move to Legal Executive Session for data exchange with Commissioners, Counselor Goodman, and Controller Williams, to return at 12:00 p.m. Martin/Peck 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 12:00 p.m. in commission chambers with a request for an extension, to return at 12:15 p.m. Martin/Briggs 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 12:13 p.m.

Motion: To Adjourn from commission chambers at 12:13 p.m. Martin/Briggs 3-0

There being no further business before the Board, the next Action Session will take place on September 30, 2021, at 9:00 a.m.

Attest: Affirm:

__________________________________________ ______________________________________
Tammy Vopat                                                               Rollie Martin, Chairman
Lyon County Master Clerk                                           Lyon County Commission