The Board of Lyon County Commissioners met in Action Session at 9:00 a.m. in the Commission Chambers with the following people in attendance:

Rollie Martin, Chairman *by phone                                         Doug Peck, Vice Chairman
Scott A. Briggs, Commissioner                                               Tammy Vopat, County Clerk
Marc Goodman, County Counselor                                        Michael Halleran, Asst. Co. Counselor

Others attending the meeting:
Roxanne Van Gundy, LCECC                                                 Megan Sando, Gazette reporter
Jim Brull, Road & Bridge                                                         Eric Hethcoat, BG Consultants
Dennis Baysinger, Road & Bridge

Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

Motion: To Approve the Agenda as amended. Briggs/Peck 3-0
Motion: To Approve the Minutes of the 8-5-2021 meeting. Briggs/Peck 3-0

Motion: To Approve Warrants Payable 8-13-2021 in the amount of $114,651.03. Peck/Briggs 3-0

Appointments: no action taken.

Personnel changes: no action taken.

Permits: no applications received.

Roxanne Van Gundy presented Commissioners with a request to consider changing a Motion from 3-25-21 to pay TFM Comm Inc $6,275.00 from account 019-00-7600. The total cost of the final billing was $6,476.00.00. This expenditure was for the remodel in the 911 office. Roxanne also updated the Commissioners on the conference.

Motion: To Amend the Motion on 3-25-2021 to pay TFM Comm INC $6,275.00 from Fund 019-00-7600 and pay $6,476.00 to be paid from Fund 019-00-7600. Briggs/Peck 3-0

Motion: To Approve paying the invoice from Schumann Electric Inc. for the dispatch office remodel in the amount of $4,569.86 to be paid from Fund 019-00-7600. Peck/Briggs 3-0
These are 911 dollars being used.

Motion: To Amend the Agenda to allow for a Legal Executive Session for attorney/client privilege with Commissioners, Counselor Goodman, and Counselor Halleran, to return at 9:30 a.m. Peck/Martin 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 9:30 a.m. in commission chambers.

Chip Woods presented Commissioners with a request to consider staff Chip Woods, Jim Brull and Seth Snyder to attend the Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas (MINK) 2021 Conference in St. Joseph, Missouri on September 21-23, 2021.

Motion: To Approve Chip Woods, Jim Brull and Seth Snyder attending the MINK 2021 Conference in St. Joseph, Missouri on September 21-23, 2021, and pay the related expenses from Fund 011-00-7420.
Briggs/Martin 3-0

Break from 9:40 a.m. until 9:45 a.m.

Public comment: no one present.

Commissioner Martin:
• Attended the Lyon County Fair several times and enjoyed the events. Thanks to the Fair Board for organizing another great event.
• No Lyon County Extension Board meeting in August.

Commissioner Briggs:
• No report.

Commissioner Peck:
• RDA meeting is tomorrow.
• Received several calls related to covid.

Clerk Vopat:
• No report.

Counselor Goodman:
• I will attend the RDA meeting tomorrow morning.
• No Community Corrections Advisory Board meeting this month.

Motion: To move to Legal Executive Session for confidential data related to policies and procedures with Commissioners, Counselor Halleran and Counselor Goodman, to return to commission chambers at 10:15 a.m. Peck/Briggs 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 10:15 a.m.

Motion: To move to Legal Executive Session for attorney/client contractual issues with Commissioners, Counselor Goodman, Counselor Halleran, Jim Brull, Eric Hethcoat and Dennis Baysinger, to return to commission chambers at 10:50 a.m. Briggs/Peck 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 10:50 a.m. in commission chambers with a request for an extension, to return to commission chambers at 11:15 a.m. Briggs/Peck 3-0
Meeting reconvened at 11:15 a.m.

Motion: To Adjourn from commission chambers at 11:18 a.m. Briggs/Peck 3-0

There being no further business before the Board, the next Action Session will take place on August 19, 2021.

Attest: Affirm:

__________________________________________ _______________________________________
Tammy Vopat                                                                 Rollie Martin, Chairman
Lyon County Master Clerk                                             Lyon County Commission